Forecasting for social Good in India

Dr. Rostami-Tabar currently leads two initiatives entitled Democratising Forecasting and Forecasting for Social Good , sponsored by IIF to bring forecasting to the heart of Public Value related research and education. As part of the former initiative, he delivers a series of workshops on “Forecasting and data analytics using R (free open source software)” in developing countries. The first workshop, organized in Tunisia, was highly successful, with all participants emphasising the need for further such workshops to facilitate capacity development.

Following this success, we organize a workshop in India, bringing together academics and practitioners (NGOs, governmental organizations, private companies, etc. with social missions), to provide access to high quality training, share knowledge, and build capacity and relationships for collaborative research on forecasting and data analytics for social good, consistent with the purpose of GCRF on sustainable development.

This workshop aims to train the trainers’ (both academics and professionals) in the principles of forecasting and data analytics, using R software to support decision making. Participants will learn about societal problems where forecasting and analytics can provide insights and how to use R for forecasting and data analysis to make better decisions.

This initiative will help transfer knowledge about different statistical approaches in forecasting and analytics, empowering decision makers to more confidently tackle important problems and improve their decision-making processes, leading to better usage of available resources in their organisations.

For more information and see how to apply if you are based on India , Please see Wudi website.

Professor of Analytics and Decision Sciences