

My research projects with organisations

This presentation summarise my projects with organisations that involve forecasting, machine learning and modeling.

On time series features and forecasting by temporal aggregation

We discuss the perfromance of temporal aggregation approaches and examine the association between the original time series features and the performance of temporal aggregation approaches using machine learning

On performance of temporal aggregation in time series forecasting

We discuss the perfromance of temporal aggregation approaches. We assess the forecast combination of temporal aggregation and investigate how temporal aggregation affects time series features. We examine the association between the original time series features and the performance of approaches using machine learning


Demand Forecasting in Supply Chains- Aggregation and Hierarchical Approaches

This seminar provides an overview of the research dealing with aggregation and hierarchical forecasting

Forecasting for Social Good

I provide a summary of Forecasting for Social Good initiatives, I elaborate on what is forecasting for social good, and what attributes makes a forecasting process FGSG.

Value of Forecasting in Healthcare Planning

The goal of this study is to investigate the link between forecast accuracy performance and operational staffing/planning in healthcare planning. Moreover, we examine the use probabilistic forecast and its impact on planning performance

Forecasting for Social Good

I provide a summary of Forecasting for Social Good initiatives, I elaborate on what is forecasting for social good, and what attributes makes a forecasting process FGSG.

Value of Forecasting in Healthcare Planning

The goal of this study is to investigate the link between forecast accuracy performance and operational staffing/planning in at Accident and Emergency department.


Forecasting with Multiple Seasonality

We will be running a webinar on ‘Forecasting with Multiple Seasonality’. We cover various forecasting models using A&E data.

Forecasting COVID19 daily cases using phone call data

We will be running a webinar on ‘Forecasting with Multiple Seasonality’. We cover various forecasting models using A&E data.